Sunday, February 18, 2007

So just what can the VP system replace

I've received a few calls and emails from people trying to understand what all the VP system can do. For the record, I'll be a VP-200 system with dual Control Units.

I told a few people that I'd attempt to document those items that I *was* planning under the "Old School" approach and what of those will be replaced by the VP system.

- Trim controllers - I was going to use the TCM modules that were developed by an F1 Rocket owner ( They integrate the relays, speed control, pilot/co-pilot lockout and trim motor regulation. With the TCM's, you'd need one each for each trim function. I have 2 now that will be collecting dust as the VP system replaces the need for them

- While on trim, I had build a Pitch/Rudder trim indicator panel where I was going to mount the Ray Allen trim indicators. The VP system has done away with trim indicators for me in my panel, so I'll just have a blank panel that covers that opening in my center console

- Flaps - while this is still very much in the early investigation mode at VP. The Legacy uses a Flap motor, a set of relays, and a custom aluminum extrusion that has mounted to it, an up and down set of limit switches. It appears that the VP system can replace the need for the relays and *may* be able to replace the limit switches, however, it might be prudent to leave them in line and allow the VP Control units to sense when they are reached. More on this as I have sent my motor and limit switch setup to Marc and team for further investigation

- Flaps continued - I had thot of using one of the smart flap modules provided by AircraftExtras ( They make a couple that are pretty nice, provide electronic relays, and step positioning. I had elected to not go that way, but now get that functionality for free with the VP system.

- Breakers - I had a full panel of Klixon breakers that were going to go into my Legacy, as you'll see from the drawings below, those have all been eliminated

- Switch breakers - I also had a full switch panel that also has been eliminated and replaced by the VP system. Now there will only b 3 switches. - Starter, and 2 Override switches, one that will control the PFD and AHRS, and the other that will control the COMM1 and antenna switch for a *worse case scenario*

- 24-12v convertor - I had planned to put an Astron 24-12, 10A converter in my plane, mostly for the trim system as it required 12V. I would have used it for a couple of other smaller things as well, but now, that weight and complexity is gone, The CU's provied a couple of outputs that regulate my 24v system down to 12v. These outputs are in addition to the Trim system which is also regulated for 12V

- Wires, while this is yet to be fully understood, because both of my batteries are going to be behind the seats, the "Old School" system would have required that Large current carrying wire would need to be run from the firewall, where the alternators are, back to the batteries, then back forward to the avionics shelf and the panel, where in effect the busses were created. The VP system should negate the need for the run of large wire from the batteries back up to the panel and avionics shelf, again saving weight.

- Dimmer module - I was going to use a VAL CLA-500, 4 channel dimmer module to provide dimming for Avionics, Glare Screen, Instruments and Cabin/Baggage. This module has been completely removed from my setup going forward and the VP system has replaced it.

- Manual push pull knobs - in the Legacy, you normally have 3 push pulls. One for the cabin heat, one for the Oil cooler door, and one for Ram Air. This later one is a ram air system that bypasses the Air Cleaner and provided about 1-2" of additional Manifold pressure when in flight. With the VP-200 system, while this won't be supported initially, I'm going to replace that push/pull knob with a Ray Allen Servo and a remote mechanism to control the ram air. Theory has it that a rule could be constructed to turn on/off ram air based upon GPS altitude. airspeed, or GPS ground speed, all automatically

- Canopy seal - the canopy seal in a Legacy is a setup with an electrical pump, pressure switch, and a mechanical bypass switch. It maintains a certain amount of pressure when the mechanical switch is closed thereby keeping a pressure seal around all of the canopy. It's actually pretty amazing at how much noise, cold, water, etc, it keeps out. With the VP-200 system, I'll replace the mechanical, manual switch, with an electronic version and be able to control the canopy seal function based upon the VP modes of flight. For example, I'll turn on the seal when in run-up and turn it off when in taxi. Obviously those can be changed and customized for your perferences.

- Avionics Master contactor - This is completely replaced with the VP system and yet, you maintain similar functionality.

There are probably a couple of other things that I'll remember and add to this list later, but for now this is a good start.

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