Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Planning Activities (part 2 of n)

Planning document complete (at least for this version) :)

Ok, had a great call with Marc from VP to review my planning document. Man, you sorta have to think a little different when doing this planning. I kept falling into the "old school" routine and Marc would have to rescue me. Towards the end of the call however, I was in the groove and after the call, updated the spreadsheet with great ease.

Let me say one thing right now.... RTFM - or in this case, read the VP200 installation manual a bunch of times. Most of my questions that I asked Marc were answered in the installation manual.

It took me 4 versions of the document to get mine nailed down, but now in looking at it after the fact, its starting to make sense. While it may get tweaked a bit later on, here is my last version as of today - Version 4


Jon Hults said...

I'm following your blog with GREAT interest!
You have roll trim position wired on one of your CUs in Version 4. How do you get aileron trim position? Are you using one of the bigger Ray Allen servos?...or one of his position sensors?...or what?
Jon Hults
Legacy N222BZ
Still building.....

aadamson said...


goes to show you that I don't know how to be a "blogger" very well... I just found this comment. To answer your question... I'm not going to have trim indication for roll in a Legacy, that's what the window is for. You look out it. Most Legacy's hardly touch the roll trim anyway. In fact, my coolie hat on the stick will have pitch and yaw, roll with not be on the coolie. Especially with a Legacy with an IO-550 on it, you'll use rudder *way* more than roll.