Wednesday, May 30, 2007

VP Duo Saves the day :)

Whew, was saved a bunch of time today when I realized that I needed to wire *both* the Magnetometer and the AHRS on my Dual Chelton system to the same pin.... Ya see, I had designed it in the LPW, but I had pulled the wire to the wrong place. When I went back and looked at the harness and LPW, I found the pin, the wire and re-pulled it to the right place.

Second save was in adding devices. I wanted to provision ahead of time for an in cockpit video camera and Chelton is coming out with a new WAAS certified GPS module that uses redundant power inputs. Ok, that was easy, I added a new wire on an open 12v regulated pin (I'm a 24v dual system), and I added a new wire on an 18A pin on the *other* CU for the second feed to the GPS. Tada. Poof, done.

Try that in a breaker, switch panel that you didn't plan a spare breaker for, or a switch location for :)...

Those are just a couple of recent saves... There have been countless others that I haven't talked about... yet :)

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