Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ok, lots of changes

Amazing how a clear head, some time and advancement of technology comes together to make things happen.

I've got about 40% of my panel wired now. I actually could make things turn on and off and send data between them, but for now, I'll ignore the option to let the smoke out of things until I'm closer to 90% finished.

No need for pictures just yet, it just looks like a bunch of wires all over the place :)...At this pace however, I should have something more tangible in a few more days.

Wow, it even feels good working on this stuff.

Oh, and drawings have been updated significantly, both to reflect changes in VP feature sets and to reflect some simplification on my end for how things would interconnect... I'll post that information later as well.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Been way too long

Ok, so after a year worth of ignoring my Legacy, I got the bug to get it finished. Don't know what happened during the past few months, think I was mostly burned out from a variety of things...

In getting back into this, I had to dust off a bunch of information and in doing so I learned some new things as well.

a) VP has continued to add features - yeah! Some really nice ones too. They have also learned some new things about how best to wire for specific accessories.

b) one of those additions is what they call a "Starter annunciation"... Read the install docs on the VP-200, but plan to add that, it's just a single wire and a 1K ohm 1/4 watt resistor inline to one pin on CU1 or CU2 J5, pin 11 or 12.

c) If wiring a Lancair canopy seal, note, the documentation on their website is correct for wiring and parts (heck, I designed and found all of those parts), but the description has evolved. There is no annunciation for the canopy seal built in... you have to add that. Simply add a wire on the pressure switch side to either CU1 or CU2 J5 pin 11 or 12 and then configure an annunciator when the canopy seal is running

d) *if* using a TruTrak Autopilot, normally, you run 3 power wires, one to the controller, one to servo A and one to servo B.... But in talking with Marc, he said to use a single wire for power and split off of it, they can detect a disconnect by lack of current draw if done this way.

e) if using an MVP-50 you can also wire in passing through the annunciators from the MVP-50, in my case, I just pulled that wire over to the DU.

More later